
Women and Creativity; A Dialogue

“I have been listening to women talk about their creative process for years. And I am always amazed by how many of them describe wonderfully rich experiences with their creativity and then tell me they don’t see themselves as being creative! These women dismiss, discount, and rob themselves of their most powerful aspect, the characteristic which defines who they uniquely are as individuals-their creativity”. C Diane Ealy PhD, the Women’s Book of Creativity, this was in 1995 but the fact is women are still denying their creativity, as I recently asked a group of women, if they considered themselves creative, and their first response was no!     

In a recent article in Forbes-A New Study Re-examines Gender Differences in Creativity; they ask the question; Why are women more self-critical when it comes to creativity? [2/22]         

     Creativity is vital in all aspects of our lives. You must believe in yourself and tap into your own creativity. Whether you are an artist, a businessperson, or a parent, creativity allows you to approach problems and challenges with a fresh perspective and find innovative solutions. It helps you think outside the box, communicate better, stand out, adapt to change, and build relationships and connections. In addition, creativity has been linked to improved physical and mental health, as well as to increased happiness and well-being. So if you want to succeed and thrive in all aspects of life, it is important to cultivate your creativity and make it an integral part of your daily routine.

It is vital that we tap into and express our creative voice.                                                                                                Hence, the reason to start this dialogue. The goal is to share these responses via a newsletter and conversations.

Dialogue by Carissa

1.When you hear the word creativity, what comes to mind? When I hear the word creativity I think of the ability to look at the world through a different filter then others can. For example I can see beauty in the ordinary, beauty in the repetition, beauty in the mundane, beauty in the simple and the maximum.
2. For me, Creativity is........ imagination, magical, exploratory, fun. It’s
looking at a blank piece of paper and seeing the possibilities instead of the
daunting thought of what am I going to do with this. I see the possibility
and the desire to learn and explore and try and fail and try again.
3.Do you consider yourself a creative individual? Absolutely yes! I love to do theater, write poetry, create jewelry and metal smithing, basket weaving, tapestry weaving, quilt making, mixed media collage, photography, etc.
4.What does being creative mean to you? Being creative gives me the opportunity to explore what I am thinking, explore the trauma I have lived to and be able to put it into the creative project I am working on. It gives a voice when sometimes there are no words.

Dialogue by Martha
When you hear the word creativity, what comes to mind?
Creativity is a very broad term.
For me, Creativity is having flexibility and being able to communicate and express the self via many domains. It may show up in all sectors of human development, learning and leadership.
Do you consider yourself a creative individual? Yes
What does being creative mean to you? There is an aspect of creativity that is juggling not just things or responsibilities, but also being able to adapt to different situations and work with a wide variety of people. My doorway into my creativity is through the arts although it goes beyond that sphere.

Dialogue by Carrie
When you hear the word creativity, what comes to mind?
I think of the performing arts–of theatre, film, music, and dance, the literary arts–fiction, drama, poetry, and prose, and the visual arts–painting, sculpture, drawing, and photography. I would even include fashion.

For me, Creativity is……..self-expression in the performing arts, literary arts and/or visual arts. It’s a way of seeing the world and then living that “vision” and “manifesting” it. It’s listening to your inner muses and being inspired by that and using that inspiration to create.

Do you consider yourself a creative individual? Yes, I consider myself a highly creative individual. It is something that makes me who I am and it feels like breathing. It manifests itself in all I do from wrapping a present, to how I dress and express myself through fashion, to how I decorate my apartment, in the freedom and energy to perform as an actor, host, and singer, to the way I capture feelings and observations in poetry, creative writing, blogs, and spoken word.
What does being creative mean to you?
Being creative means that you have freedom to let your inner self shine through–to ”Let Your Little Shine Shine.” It means to be open to a path of creativity and part of that is self-awareness, insight, and awareness of the world around you and to let that guide your work. It means embracing who you are and all of you and celebrating it, even that which makes you different. In fact, it is there–in what makes you different–that makes you unique and special and in where your truth and ultimately, creativity can be found.

Dialogue by Barbara
1.When you hear the word creativity, what comes to mind? Creativity is a construct of many ideas; The primary idea that comes to mind for me is one’s ability to use their talents whatever they may be, to passionately connect with something in some way that it becomes an expression of your relationship with it. It can be an idea, a canvas, a movement, a sound, a film … There is no one way to create. 2..For me, Creativity is…….. Thoughts that come to mind: A vision of something you make and bring to fruition. Problem solving Thinking out of the box Committed Excited Connected Exhilaration Release 3.Do you consider yourself a creative individual? Yes I heard a story (true or fiction) a long time ago about Leonardo Davinci that seemed to resonate with me. Walking through the square of Milan the town he lived in someone asked him where he was going with a big slab of marble he was carting back to his studio. His answer” I am going to unlock the angel that lives inside the rock” I think I approach life and people this way. For me life is a creative act. Finding a way to metaphorically unlock the angel that lives inside of me, the people I meet and the world around me. 4.What does being creative mean to you? So many things but here are a few: Connecting the dots Seeing the many truths of life Seeing/hearing the invisible Writing

Dialogue: by Amy
When you hear the word creativity, what comes to mind? No rules.
For me, Creativity is……..
Curiosity. Exploring.
Do you consider yourself a creative individual? Yes
What does being creative mean to you?
Following an inspiration that arises within me.

Dialogue By Leigh
When you hear the word creativity, what comes to mind?
Creativity is a living process. Through creative engagement with our internal and external realities we are able to envision something brand new and bring it to life. In and between disparate ideas we can find new connections that spark creativity. The creative process involves inspiration, incubation, illumination and creation.
For me, Creativity is……..a moment of magic when inspiration brings vivid clarity.
Do you consider yourself a creative individual?
Yes. Also, all people are born creative.
What does being creative mean to you?
My individual creativity is unique to me – the ideas I have and the work I do are original to my being, inclusive of both innate and experiential facets. Thus, only I can bring my particular creativity to fruition. In this way, creative expression is my life purpose.