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UnitingUs, "Spectrum of the Arts", JIGGY Puzzles Celebration

UNITING US’ SPECTRUM OF THE ARTS & JIGGY Puzzles CELEBRATION: The City of Takoma Park and Uniting US invite you to join an interactive national Uniting US art panel discussion “Celebrating the Spectrum of the Arts”. Date: November 12, 2021 Time: 7:30 pm Where: Takoma Park Community Center at 7500 Maple Ave.

Online: Facebook Live Event and YouTube recording will be posted Admission: Free, family friendly event As part of the Uniting US Arts exhibition with the City of Takoma Park, a panel of distinguished experts and Uniting US artists discuss the healing, wellness, and community building aspects associated with art. The panel group spanning perspectives from arts used in medical treatment programs (Creative Art Therapies), Arts in Health programs, professional artists, community arts initiatives, and individual therapeutic art practices. Throughout the discussion, attendees are invited to participate in the discussion and offer insights on how to build understanding through the arts and the community impact of the City of Takoma Park extensive Arts and Humanities program.

Following the discussion, join in the celebration of the Jiggy Puzzles/Artshouse Collection, OperationArts: Women Who Serve art competition: Bethany Ryan, Breaking Out of Silence; Christina Polosky, Endowed By Her Creator; Maria Carrion, Sisters United. All three are women veterans and Uniting US artists ( Enjoy meeting Bethany, Christina, and Maria as well as other Uniting US artists and purchase a signed puzzle from the national competition based on the theme of Hope, Inspiration, Transformation, & Possibilities.

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