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The Arts and Culture Canvas 2020

The Arts and Culture Canvas: 2020

A series of town hall conversations on the transformative powers of arts and culture.

We will cover various issues, hear from artists, educators, and innovators. Hear their stimulating and inspiring stories, learn about organizations and projects. Share ideas and possibilities.

We hope to inspire each other and hope these conversations will serve as a catalyst for continued conversations and/or action.

November 18th,4-6:00 PM [EST]: Arts and Veterans; Roman Baca, MFA, Artistic Director, Exit 12 Dance Company, 2019 Fulbright Association Selma Jeane Cohen Dance Lecture Awardee,2017-2018 US-UK Fulbright Postgraduate Award to the Trinity Laban Conservatoire in London, 2018 HillVet Nominee,2015 New York State Veterans’ Hall of Fame Inductee, New York, ; Nancy Smith Watson, Co-Founder of Feast of Crispian and The National Veterans Theatre Festival, Milwaukee WI,; Richard Casper, Co-Founder and Executive Director CreatiVets: CreatiVets’ mission is to empower wounded veterans to heal through the arts and music. Grace Belizario, Program Manager of The Armed Services Arts Partnership

Arts and Culture Canvas 2021

Some of of our Invited Guests:

January 13, 5:00-7:00 [EST]: Arts and Human Rights; Tom Block, Founding Producer, The International Human Rights Art Festival, Author/Artist; Marissa Gutierrez-Vicario,Founder and Executive Director of ARTE [Art Resistence Through Education]; Mellisa Raman Molitor, Kids Create Change; Anthony Posada, Project Attica;David Hatkoff,NewFest, NYC’s largest LGBTQ Film and Media Org; Keefe Murren, FilmAid; Gilad Cohen, Human Rights Film Festival [Toronto];Carolina Rubio Macwright, immigration lawyer, artist, activist, her project is Touching Land; Annie Buckley,Director and Professor, School of Art and Design, San Diego State University;Curtis Young, Artistic Noise; Dave Serio, Arab American National Museum


Some Topics in 2021:

Art in Times of Crisis/Artists a First Responders

Climate Change and the Arts

The Arts in Health

Art for the Public/Art in Public Places

October 14

unARTy [pronunced unity]2021

January 13

Human Rights and The Arts