a hub for arts and creativity
a national museum/center celebrating the arts: organizations, programs, projects and artists. Educating, raising awareness, and dialogues to the public on the impact and power of the arts and health and wellness, arts education, arts in communities across this country and around the world, arts in society, social justice, equality, politics, science, climate change, the economy, arts as building world-wide cultural bridges
The ARTSHOUSE will be inclusive of all the arts.
The museum/center will have exhibits, performances, outreach, publications and educational programs.
What better way to celebrate the value of the ARTS.
Upcoming Events
“Art is crucial to the public good and for the health and well-being of our citizens and our communities! Art promotes critical thinking, creative solutions to problems, acceptance of diversity and positive change. The impact that art has on our lives is both immediate and long-term. Without the arts our world would be smaller, duller, and much less fulfilling. Art can make people feel connected, uplifted, empowered and energized and wonderful ways that improve our lives. Art is truly everywhere and once we start noticing it we often want to partake and participate and be part of it! Providing people the opportunity to be part of art projects, to see, hear, touch or create in them, is well worth committing our time and resources to” Carol Prost Research Associate Brandeis University